Kamo Childcare Kids Philosophy
The essence of the programme is based on the following aspirations for children:
“To grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society” (Te Whaariki, 1996, p.9)
The programme is primarily child initiated, based on the children’s interests. Teachers notice and recognise what is happening and respond through guiding, supporting and extending on the children’s learning.
As part of their learning children are encouraged to take responsibility for their belongings and centre equipment. We provide opportunities for children to develop self help skills in order to foster their growing independence. We see the teachers role as nurturers, providing guidance, support and knowledge to assist the children on their learning pathway.
Throughout our day we have three group mat times – at the beginning of the day to meet, greet and acknowledge each other and to transition into the morning tea meal, the middle of the day to transition into the lunchtime meal and mid afternoon to discuss our daily interests and participation, to farewell each other and to transition into the afternoon tea meal.

Our Kids Programme
The essence of the kids programme is based on the following aspirations for children:
“To grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society” (Te Whaariki, 1996, p.9)
The programme is primarily child initiated, based on the children’s interests. Teachers notice and recognise what is happening and respond through guiding, supporting and extending on the children’s learning.
As part of their learning children are encouraged to take responsibility for their belongings and centre equipment. We provide opportunities for children to develop self help skills in order to foster their growing independence. We see the teachers role as nurturers, providing guidance, support and knowledge to assist the children on their learning pathway.
Throughout our day we have three group mat times – at the beginning of the day to meet, greet and acknowledge each other and to transition into the morning tea meal, the middle of the day to transition into the lunchtime meal and mid afternoon to discuss our daily interests and participation, to farewell each other and to transition into the afternoon tea meal.
